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Unfortunately,  just a few days before our scheduled departure, Tallechien Tempelman, plastic surgeon from Groningen, sent us a message that she was not able to join our team this year due to personal circumstances. We hope she will be joining us again during our next trip to Zanzibar. Anyway, in our thoughts she was with us all the time and we kept in contact through WhatsApp...

The rest of the team already knew each well other from earlier missions. We met at Schiphol Airport on Sunday morning around eight. Liam and Elmarie joined us behind the customs. After an uneventful flight, we arrived at Kisauni International Airport in Zanzibar at 23:00 hours. Going through customs was quite a challenge, but again we managed to do so as the last passengers of the flight. Dr Rukia welcomed us very heartily at the airport and we were brought to our hotel for a good night's sleep.

read the full report here: Zanzibar 2024 report

There is a long-standing relationship with Dr Titus Opegu and his wife Maria who run the MIDAS Touch Medical Services. A centre where patients and families are cared for in the pre-and postoperative trajectory. Almost all the care Titus and Maria give these poor patients is for free. Kumi Hospital has a reach of approximately 4 million people. Kumi Hospital is a member of the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB); it is therefore a private non-profit (PNFP) institution.
Kumi Hospital has transformed from a centre for the disabled to a general hospital with 300 beds.

Read more: Full report Kumi June 2024

Afgelopen maart was het eindelijk zover! Met een koffer vol enthousiasme, ambitie en medisch instrumentarium (de laatste hebben we helaas bij de douane op het vliegveld achter moeten laten) reisden wij af naar Oeganda voor een werkbezoek aan het Kiruddu Ziekenhuis in Kampala.

Na een voorspoedige vlucht werden wij op

gehaald door Stephen Kato, onze steun en toeverlaat. Hij bracht ons naar Yellow Haven aan het Victoria meer. Een fijne plek om na de intensieve dagen in het ziekenhuis bij te komen, de vele indrukken te bespreken en met frisse energie de plannen voor de volgende dag te bespreken.

Lees volledig verhaal hier verder >



After two years of absence from the Interplast surgical camp at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital because of
the COVID pandemic in 2021 and 2022, we were really excited to go again.
The team was familiar with only a few changes. Unfortunately, Maura Neervoort could not join us
this year, and Dirk Jan Langeland came along in her place. From Birmingham, Liam, who has
joined us for quite some years now, brought a colleague of his, Elmarie van de Merwe.
The flight schedules had changed, and therefore we would go a day later, arriving on Sunday
evening instead of Saturday morning, which gave us 8 operation days instead of 9, as it was in
the former years.

Verder lezen: Interplast Holland report Zanzibar 2023


After Titus and Joel's visit to the Netherlands, the next 3 weeks were devoted to organizing the very
first surgical camp at Titus' hometown Kumi which is the capital of Kumi district. Kumi is located in
the east of Uganda and is a 4-hour drive from Kampala on quiet days and about 8 hours on busy

Lees verder: St Interplast Holland Uganda Kumi 2023

12 March – 24 March 2023

After two years of absence from the Interplast surgical camp at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital because of the COVID pandemic in 2021 and 2022, we were really excited to go again.
The team was familiar with only a few changes. Unfortunately, Maura Neervoort could not join us this year, and Dirk Jan Langeland came along in her place. From Birmingham, Liam, who has joined us for quite some years now, brought a colleague of his, Elmarie van de Merwe.

The flight schedules had changed, and therefore we would go a day later, arriving on Sunday evening instead of Saturday morning, which gave us 8 operation days instead of 9, as it was in the former years.


verslag Burundi dec 2022 Interplast Holland

Helma Hofland, werkzaam als verpleegkundig onderzoeker en verpleegkundige op het brandwondencentrum in het Maasstad Ziekenhuis, heeft veel ervaring met brandwondenzorg in Afrika. Dat het daar net even anders gaat dan in de westerse landen leest u in haar verslag. Deze is in het Nederlands en in het Engels om zo ook de collega's in o.a. Afrika te kunnen informeren.

Brandwondenzorg in Afrika , Burn Care in Africa




In juni 2022 werd voor de eerste keer de cursus 'Basics of Burn Care' gegeven in Uganda. Dat het een groot succes was kunt u lezen in het prachtige verslag van Shoista Kambiz die bijna klaar is met haar opleiding tot plastisch chirurg. Dat u kunt lezen dat onze oud voorzitter en oprichter Rein Zeeman alom nog aanwezig is in spirit zal geen verrassing zijn.

Verslag Uganda juni 2022



In december 2022 werkte een team van Interplast in Munshiganj Bangladesh. Plastisch chirurg Mark Smeulders beschrijft zijn ervaringen in een ontroerend mooi verslag:

Verslag Mark Smeulders Banglad Munshiganj 2022


Interplast Holland

T: + 31 (0)71 5210165
KVK: 41168141
RSIN: 009278308


© Interplast Holland 2022
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