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Interplast Holland Zanzibar 2024

Unfortunately,  just a few days before our scheduled departure, Tallechien Tempelman, plastic surgeon from Groningen, sent us a message that she was not able to join our team this year due to personal circumstances. We hope she will be joining us again during our next trip to Zanzibar. Anyway, in our thoughts she was with us all the time and we kept in contact through WhatsApp...

The rest of the team already knew each well other from earlier missions. We met at Schiphol Airport on Sunday morning around eight. Liam and Elmarie joined us behind the customs. After an uneventful flight, we arrived at Kisauni International Airport in Zanzibar at 23:00 hours. Going through customs was quite a challenge, but again we managed to do so as the last passengers of the flight. Dr Rukia welcomed us very heartily at the airport and we were brought to our hotel for a good night's sleep.

read the full report here: Zanzibar 2024 report


Interplast Holland

T: + 31 (0)71 5210165
KVK: 41168141
RSIN: 009278308


© Interplast Holland 2022
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